Mastering Annual Account Filing in ADGM: A Thorough Guide


Mastering Annual Account Filing in ADGM

Filing annual accounts is a fundamental obligation for businesses in the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM). The intricacies of the process depend on your company's size, nature of operations, and financial standing. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the essential aspects of annual account filing in ADGM to help you navigate the process effectively.

1. Types of Accounts to File

The filing requirements hinge on the size and nature of your business. Typically, ADGM mandates the submission of audited annual accounts, including an Auditor's Report, a Director's Report, and a Board resolution endorsing the accounts. However, small businesses that meet specific criteria can opt for a simplified version, featuring an unaudited balance sheet if the business has;

  • If the turnover of the company is less than USD 13.5 Million and;
  • The number of employees is less than 35.

Public Interest entities and financial service entities are not eligible for filing the unaudited balance sheet irrespective of turnover or number of employees.

2. Formal Requirements

Ensuring compliance with formal legal requirements is paramount. All annual accounts must be denominated in U.S. Dollars (USD), signed by a director, and, in the case of audited accounts, properly signed and labelled Director's and Auditor's reports.

3. Filing Deadlines

Every ADGM company or LLP has an Accounting Reference Date (ARD), a pivotal date determining filing deadlines. For first annual accounts, newly established entities must file within nine months of their ARD, considering the length of the financial year. Subsequent annual accounts for existing firms must also adhere to the nine-month deadline from the ARD.

4. Changing an ARD

Companies and LLPs can request a change in their ARD, provided they meet certain eligibility criteria. To initiate this change, a directors' resolution supporting the alteration must be submitted.

5. Account Filing Extension Applications

In exceptional circumstances, the Registrar may grant extensions for filing accounts. These extension requests must be submitted before the original deadline, and each case is evaluated individually.

6. Penalties for late submission of Annual Accounts filing

The penalty for late filing can be up to USD 15,000/-

In short, any entities registered in ADGM and the Annual Reference Date ended on 31st December 2022 shall submit the annual accounting reports to the authority before 30th September 2023.

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To learn more about Mastering Annual Account Filing in ADGM: A Thorough Guide, book a free consultation with one of the Flyingcolour team advisors.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is based on our understanding of current tax laws and regulations. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional tax advice, consultation, or representation. The author and publisher are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for any actions taken based on the information contained in this blog.

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